Stefano Portelli, Tschoepe, Aylin Y. 2021. “Special Issue: On Activist*scholarship,” Radical Housing Journal, 3 (1).
Genz, Carolin, Yildirim Tschoepe, Aylin. 2021. “Ethnographie als Methodologie zur Erforschung von Räumen und Raumpraktiken.” In Methoden qualitativer Raumforschung. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch, edited by Anna Juliane Heinrich, Séverine Marguin, Angela Million, Jörg Stollmann. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
Stefano Portelli, Tschoepe, Aylin Y. 2020. “Activist*scholar collaborations in times of crisis, and beyond: Reflections on ‘Urban Activism: Staking Claims in the 21st Century City’,” Radical Housing Journal, 2(2), pp. 193-209
Yildirim Tschoepe, Aylin, Susanne Käser. 2020. “Imagin(eer)ing Basel: Praktiken, Bilder und Communities in urbanen Partizipationsprozessen.” In Die Postwachstumsstadt. Konturen einer solidarischen Stadtpolitik, edited by Frank Eckardt, Anton Brokow-Loga. München: Oekom Verlag.
Yildirim Tschoepe, Aylin. 2019. “Dirtscapes: Contest over Value and Garbage in Istanbul.” In Ethnographies of Brokenness and Repair, edited by Francisco Martinez, Patrick Laviolette. New York: Berghahn.
Genz, Carolin, Yildirim Tschoepe, Aylin. 2018. “Beyond Urban Transformation. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Urban Everyday Life.” Kosmos Workshop Proceedings.
Yildirim Tschoepe, Aylin. 2016. “TimeLayers: Urbane Erinnerung und Zukunft.” [The City as Immersive Exhibition of Past and Future]., 11/2016.
Kiyman, Faruk, Gülsum Baran, Aylin Yildirim Tschoepe. 2016. “Antropologlar Fikirtepe’de. (Anthropologists in Fikirtepe)” In Fikirtepe: Projeyi Yeniden Düşünmek [Fikirtepe: Rethinking the Project], edited by Faruk Göksu, S. Akalp (Eds.), 212- 295. Istanbul: Kentsel Strateji.
Yildirim Tschoepe, Aylin. 2016. “Locating the German-Turks: Transnational Migration to Turkey and Constructions of Identity and Space.” In Contemporary Turkey at a Glance II Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Transformation of Power, History, and Culture, edited by Esra Özyürek, Meltem Ersöy, 113- 130. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Yildirim Tschoepe, Aylin. 2016. “Diasporic Homescapes: Liminal to Permanent Spaces of Identity and Memory Practices.” In Migrating Spaces- Architecture and Identity in the Context of Turkish Remigration, edited by Stefanie Bürkle. Berlin: Vice Versa.
Yildirim Tschoepe, Aylin. 2015. “Reconstructing Home: Social and Spatial Practices of Migrants as Agents of Urban Change.” In History Takes Place: Istanbul. Dynamics of Urban Change, edited by Anna Hofmann, Ayşe Öncü, 114-133. Berlin: Jovis Verlag.
Yildirim Tschoepe, Aylin. 2014. "Changing Landscapes of Education: Teaching Architecture through Inquiry-Based Approaches" In Inquiry-Based Learning for the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators, Vol. 2, edited by Patrick Blessinger and John Carfora. 169-195. Bingley: Emerald.
For full publications list, please send me an email.